Monday, May 7, 2012

A Hot Sunday @ Ubin

A few members from the ButterflyCircle (BC) went for an outing at Pulau Ubin on a rather hot and humid Sunday morning (22 Apr). Arriving around 10 am, I joined the group at the Butterfly Hill and was introduced to two new and young BC members, CJ and Nona, nice meeting them.

Most of the butterflies were extremely active and alert under the scorching sun. It was a test of my patience and luck in order to snap a decent shot of this Leopard (Phalanta phalantha phalantha ) which was trying to puddle along a gravel roadside. After many futile attempts, I finally got a shot when it landed in front of me - though a bit too near to me. 
Next, I spotted a Dark Glassy Tiger (Parantica agleoides agleoides) resting in a shade under some bamboo clumps.
I was walking around the hill without shooting anything for quite a long period of time. I saw a few Pea Blues (Lampides boeticus) flitting around their host plants..With perseverance and determination, I tracked their  movement and  finally located one of them resting on the edge of a leaf.    
The upperside shot shows that it is a female. 
I encountered this moth caterpillar just outside the Nparks nursery. What species is this ?
I am not a fan of snakes. This slender green snake was found in the Nparks nursery. It curled around the bushes and appeared to be taking an afternoon nap. 
I think this is a kind of wasp foraging from leaf to leaf. This is an instantaneous moment when it looked straight at me.
There were signs of re-planting and maintenance work at the Butterfly Hill. I was quite surprised and pleased to see a few well-grown Chamaecrista mimosoides being planted at the foot of the hill. Hopefully the No Brand Grass Yellow (Eurema brigitta senna) would come to establish their homes here after their first home at Punggol was destroyed.
After lunch, we returned to the Butterfly Hill to hunt for more species. Except for this sunbird feeding on the Pagoda Flowers at the hill top I didn't have any good chance of adding more shots to my photo collection.

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