Apart from the the Euploea species which really attracted the audience's attention especially the King Crows (Euploea phaenareta castelnaui), our main "dancers" around the flowering Syzygium tree, other butterflies also joined in the fun of "performing" and contributing to the excietment of a very dynamic "stage".

At least three Painted Jezebel (
Delias hyparete metarete ) were fluttering at the tree top which is their usual habit.

Between moments of chasing and frolicking amongst themselves, occasionally they would come down to the eye level to feed - this would be the best opportunity to snap a shot of a very alert and active species. Here is a lucky shot of a male.

There were quite a few Blue Glassy Tiger (Ideopsis vulgaris macrina) feeding furiously.
I wasn't too keen shooting the "Tigers" . As a result, I noticed that this was the only shot on the Dark Glassy Tiger (Parantica agleoides agleoides) which was quite abundant.

This is a female Baron (Euthalia aconthea gurda) feeding very tamely - she just refused to come down.

There were other smaller butterflies enjoying the "buffet lunch" on the tree. A solitary Common Grass Yellow (Eurema hecabe contubernalis) displayed how it could balance in the air while feeding.
This rather tame Copper Flash (Rapala pheretima sequeira) stayed on the flowers for a long time. In fact, I could see at least three of them "gluing" to the flowers high up in the tree.

When I was about to leave in the afternoon, a Black Veined Tiger (Danaus melanippus hegesippus) showed up but it was too shy to come down for me to take a better shot.
In fact, many other critters such as bees, wasps, beetles on the swaying flowers and skippers zipping in and out with lighting speeds in the wind added lots of excitement and awe to the "life performance". For those who have missed the spectacular scene, take note of any flowering trees in the park next time, you may find a new "stage" soon. But having a stage is not enough, we need a good number of different performers, big or small to put up a grand and memorable show.