This blog records my sightings of some of the fascinating and beautiful creatures especially butterflies, dragonflies etc and plants in nature. I love Nature however I am not trained in anything related to Biology or nature, please feel free to correct me. Thanks
Saturday, March 31, 2012
A Rare Butterfly at UPR
Saturday, March 24, 2012
A Beautiful Lycaenid Outside NTU
My first shot of the morning was this Pea Blue (Lampides boeticus) in a wasteland not far away from the entrance to NTU.
I walked around the wasteland and found this rather "hagged" Silver-Forget-Me-Not (Catochrysops panormus exiguus) - a relatively uncommon lycaenid.
A Tailless Line Blue (Prosotas dubiosa lumpura) was puddling on a road outside an army camp.
I was very pleased to spot a couple of Harlequin (Taxila haquinus haguinus) in a small sector of the remaining forested area. The life history of this species was excellently recorded here.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
From USR to Chestnut Avenue
Besides skippers, I found a slender and well camouflaged spider enjoying its breakfast underneath a blade of grass.
Mr Yano was shooting this Pointed Line Blue.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Butterflies @ NTU Herbs Garden (方草园)
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Lornie Trail On A Friday Morning
Just like any other working day, my body clock never failed to wake me up early on 22 Feb even though I didn't have to work. After a quick breakfast, I decided to take a morning walk along Lornie Trail (LT) in the forest. The cicada songs were louder than before and there was no sign of other human beings for a long period of time.
There were quite a few Elbowed Pierrots (Caleta elna Elvira) fluttering along the trail . One of them and a pointed Line Blue (Ionolyce helicon merguiana) were enjoying a good breakfast on a pool of bird droppings. If it were a weekend, I wouldn't have a chance to encounter this scene along any foot path.
An usually small Ciliate Blue (Anthene emolus goberus) came down from the canopy to tease me a few times. At last, I got a few shots and it was such a pristine specimen that we could see the tiny tails on the hindwings.
Flitting from flower to flower of the Mile-a-Minute weed, this Common Tit (Hypolycaena erylus teatus) was busy feeding on the flowers most of the time.I hope the readers can tell the subtle differences between these two Eurema species . The first one is the Eurema simulatrix tecmessa and the second shot is a Chocolate Grass Yellow (Eurema sari sodalis).
Perhaps this is a Potanthus ganda again.
After an hour or so shooting at the reservoir edge, I was on my way back. Along a shady trail leading to the main road, I spotted two skippers, the Large Snow Flat (Tagiades gana gana) and the Common Snow Flat (Tagiades japetus atticus) - both preferred hiding underneath the leaf.