This blog records my sightings of some of the fascinating and beautiful creatures especially butterflies, dragonflies etc and plants in nature. I love Nature however I am not trained in anything related to Biology or nature, please feel free to correct me. Thanks
Saturday, March 31, 2012
A Rare Butterfly at UPR
Saturday, March 24, 2012
A Beautiful Lycaenid Outside NTU
My first shot of the morning was this Pea Blue (Lampides boeticus) in a wasteland not far away from the entrance to NTU.

A Tailless Line Blue (Prosotas dubiosa lumpura) was puddling on a road outside an army camp.

I was very pleased to spot a couple of Harlequin (Taxila haquinus haguinus) in a small sector of the remaining forested area. The life history of this species was excellently recorded here.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
From USR to Chestnut Avenue

Besides skippers, I found a slender and well camouflaged spider enjoying its breakfast underneath a blade of grass.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Butterflies @ NTU Herbs Garden (方草园)

Saturday, March 10, 2012
Lornie Trail On A Friday Morning
Just like any other working day, my body clock never failed to wake me up early on 22 Feb even though I didn't have to work. After a quick breakfast, I decided to take a morning walk along Lornie Trail (LT) in the forest. The cicada songs were louder than before and there was no sign of other human beings for a long period of time.
There were quite a few Elbowed Pierrots (Caleta elna Elvira) fluttering along the trail . One of them and a pointed Line Blue (Ionolyce helicon merguiana) were enjoying a good breakfast on a pool of bird droppings. If it were a weekend, I wouldn't have a chance to encounter this scene along any foot path.

An usually small Ciliate Blue (Anthene emolus goberus) came down from the canopy to tease me a few times. At last, I got a few shots and it was such a pristine specimen that we could see the tiny tails on the hindwings.

I hope the readers can tell the subtle differences between these two Eurema species . The first one is the Eurema simulatrix tecmessa and the second shot is a Chocolate Grass Yellow (Eurema sari sodalis).

Perhaps this is a Potanthus ganda again.

After an hour or so shooting at the reservoir edge, I was on my way back. Along a shady trail leading to the main road, I spotted two skippers, the Large Snow Flat (Tagiades gana gana) and the Common Snow Flat (Tagiades japetus atticus) - both preferred hiding underneath the leaf.