Occupying an area of 36 hectare along Bukit Batok East Ave 6 , Bukit Batok Nature Park was developed in 1988 on an abandoned quarry site.

On my first visit to this park on 29 May morning, I explored almost every corner of the park. The hilly terrain makes it a good physical fitness
training ground.
The very first butterfly that welcomed me from far was this shy
Ancyra Blue (
Catopyrops ancyra). Since its first appearance in
Pulau Ubin a few years ago, this species has been found quite regularly in the western part of
Singapore as well as in the nature reserves. An excellent write-up of the life history can be found in the BC blog

Next, I saw this
hoverfly resting on a grass blade. The morning breeze made me feel refreshing and
comfortable but it also posed a great challenge for me to get a good shot.

Interestingly, I noticed this fly curving its abdomen, not sure what it was trying to do.

A rather common
Hairstreak butterfly which can be found in some urban parks, this Common Tit (
Hypolycaena erylus teatus) was rather restless and flitting around actively. With patience, I finally could trigger off a few shots when it finally settled down on a leaf along a drain.

Near a stream, a kind of white Jasmine flowers were in full bloom. This Chocolate Demon(
Ancistroides nigrita maura ) enjoyed the fragrance so much that it visited almost every flower, thus allowing me to take up a good position to take this shot. The way its long
proboscis inserting into the flower make it like a fishing line.

The common name of this orange
lycaenid is
Yamfly (
Loxura atymnus fuconius), a rather common species in the forest where its larval host plant
Smilax bracteata is abundant.

Bamboo Tree Brown (
Lethe europa malaya) is usually very skittish and alert. It is quite rare that we can go as close as we like to take a shot. I was rather fortunate to see this guy flitting out from its natural
habitat, a
bamboo clump to rest on a leaf. Instinctively, I squeezed off a few shots before losing it.
A few birds were seen feeding on a grass patch along the main entrance when I was on my way out. Apparently, they were not afraid of people who came close to them. What are these birds ?