Lycaenidae is the second-largest family of butterflies. Though there were not many lycaenids and no surprises this time at areas around Doi Chiang Dao, we did encounter quite a number of them. Let me begin with two species that we can find in Singapore.
A lonely Quaker (Neopithecops zalmora zalmora), a rather small butterfly, was having a quiet moment on the ground.
The Forget-me-not (Catochrysops strabo strabo) was puddling in front of a hut.
The White Fourline Blue (Nacaduba angusta albida) was paler than the subspecies kerriana which we have seen in Singapore.
This pristine Barred Lineblue (Prosotas aluta coelestis) was wandering on the ground before it settled down tamely on a sweet spot.
The Orchid Tit (Hypolycaena othona othona) was having a private time on a moist and shady ground behind Antonio's car.
Long-tailed lycaenids are always attractive to photographers especially if the tails are intact. This Common Imperial (Cheritra freja) found its favourite spot and stayed there for a while.
Perhaps this was another specimen appeared behind the hut on 1 Oct.
We have not seen the Silver Royal (Ancema blanka) for a very long time in Singapore. But it seemed to be common here as we have countered it in our previous trips too.

There were many black-and-white Pierrots this time at Chiang Dao Square puddling on the ground. Occasionally, when they perched on leaves, I usually took some shots - butterflies and flowers or leaves make great compositions. This is a Straight Pierrot (Caleta roxus)

This is an Elbowed Pierrot (Caleta elna noliteia) - a different subspecies from what we can see in Singapore.
This is another Pierrot, the Banded Blue Pierrot (Discolampa ethion ethion).
We went to Chiang Dao Square the 3rd time on 1 Oct. A couple of Sunbeams were puddling on the ground. This may be the Curetis bulis.
There are too many look-alike Arhopala species in Thailand - I am not sure what this is.
At the grassy wasteland behind the Chiang Dao Square, the Blue Leaf Blue (Amblypodia narada taooana) came down to puddle in the afternoon.
I was lucky to see its uppersides when it open its wings partially under the afternoon sun.
We went to Doi Suthep on our 2nd last day in Chiang Mai - it was a cloudy morning - a quiet morning we spent our time walking around at the usual locations, this tiny Singleton (Una usta usta) was feeding on some salt solution on the ground.
When the sun was up in the afternoon, there were more butterflies fluttering around in the forested area. After stalking it for a while, this skittish Three-spot Yamfly (Yasoda tripunctata) finally allowed me to take just one shot of it.
From the way it fluttering around, I guessed it was a Miletus species. Indeed, it was but I could not identify it with confidence.
Again, I have no idea what Arhopala this is perching on the tip of a leaf (note : this is Arhopala silhetensis silhetensis)
There were a few Aberrant Oakblue (Arhopala abseus) flitting around. This was a more pristine one which appeared to oviposit underneath a leaf - but I could not find any egg.In the late afternoon, we had a better chance of seeing lycaenids opening its wings fully. Can you guess what this species is ?
To be continued