It has been more than a week since my last update of the blog as I was down with flu last weekend and therefore did not go for outing. After recovery, I was eager to take a look at the
Seletar site on 20 March late afternoon.
I could sense that something zipping past me and
settling on the underside of a leaf in a shaded area in front of me. My instinct told me that it may be an Awl. So I approached closer to where it rested.

True enough, it was this Common Awl (
Hasora badra badra) that flew past me rapidly. It has the habit of resting underneath the leaf at an
awkward angle. You can imagine how frustrating I was when shooting this bugger.
It was my first encounter of this leaf-eating tortoise beetle in the field.

It is such a cute little creature that most macro photographers would love to take some shots of it.
Junonia atlites atlites (Grey Pansy) is one of the four Pansy butterflies we have in
Singapore. This pristine specimen was seen fluttering at low level among the weeds and grasses. I was patiently waiting and stalking, and finally it was resting with its wings fully open.

I took a
distant shot of another Grey Pansy when it rested on the
Blechum pyramidatum (
Acanthacceae family). Its fluttering behaviour appeared to be trying to lay eggs but I could not find any. I usually see butterflies laying eggs with wings folded so it might not be laying eggs at all.
This particular ground weed
Blechum pyramidatum produces tiny flowers as shown in the picture and it was abundant near the entrance of the trail.

There are two look alike climbers growing well in this area, entangling with each other at certain spots.
Here are the two different flowers.

This ground level vine produces attractive yellow flowers. I have not been able to find its name despite some searching on the web and books. Are your eyes sharp enough to see one blue tiny egg on the flower bud ?

The other one with purplish blue flowers is the
Pueraria phaseoloides (
Fabaceae family) which is known to be one of the host plants of
Jamides bochus nabonassar (Dark
Caerulean). Indeed, I was very fortunate to get a record shot of a Dark
Caerulean feeding on a flower. Wow, there was another tiny egg on a flower bud as well. It was my first sighting of this species here.
Both Gram Blue and Common
Caerulean were seen fluttering around these two climbers. So far the known host plant of
Jamides celeno aelianus (Common
Caerulean) is known to be
Combretum sundaicum, a jungle plant species. So I guess there must be an alternate
hostplant around here but yet to be discovered.
It was my first time getting a decent shot of this
Rhyothemis Phyllis, a slow flying and beautiful big dragonfly that I would love to shoot often.

When I saw a rather small and tailless Blue butterfly puddling on the ground, my first impression of that was a common butterfly, Tailless Line Blue. But the two small
tornal black spots on the underside
hindwings indicate that it must be something else. A pleasant surprise to me that this
Petrelaea dana dana (Dingy Line Blue) was found here, a species that I have not been shooting for a long time.
Another dragonfly really puzzled me. I have never seen a dragonfly having two colours on the
abdomen like this before. I am still looking for its id.

This poor butterfly became the prey of a merciless
robberfly . Really, this is how different species in nature fight for their survival and maintain an
The rich biodiversity here must be contributed by a healthy food-web in the ecosystem of this wasteland.
Apart from some common species of butterfly I always found here, I am glad that I could find something new to write about from my last outing.
The abundance of
Scurrula ferruginea (Family
Loranthaceae) on this patch of
wasteland may give us more

I am sure I will be able to shoot something new again in the future. The rich biodiversity and the beauty of this
wasteland has yet to be fully discovered.